Damkunst is a platform launched in August 2023 on which an extensive game analysis appears at least ten times a year. In an impassioned article, (grand)masters or other strong draughts players guide their readers through a –mostly recently played– draughts game.
They explain the chosen strategy, get inside the players' heads and show why certain moves were (not) played. They also show –sometimes advised to by draughts programmes– beautiful variants that could have been on the board.
Game analyses are made using Turbo Dambase. Replaying the analyses is possible thanks to Lidraughts technology. Besides this website, Damkunst's content is distributed through channels such as Toernooibase, Lidraughts and social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and YouTube.
The analyses provided by Damkunst are free, but not for nothing. The main costs are in authors' fees, the website and having texts translated. Do you enjoy the game analyses, and can you miss a few euros? Then please consider a (periodic) donation . For 50 euros a year, you become a "Friend of Damkunst" and you will be the first to hear that a new analysis is ready.
* The Dutch word "dam" refers to the game of draughts and "kunst" is the Dutch word for art.
Below are the game analyses published in the 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 season. A total of about 10 analyses will be published each season, which means that a new game analysis will appear every 4-6 weeks.
Friends of Damkunst
For 50 euros a year you become a "Friend of Damkunst" and you are the first to hear that a new analysis is ready.
Who is behind Damkunst?
Ben Provoost, born in 1985, is the initiator of Damkunst. He comes from a draughts family, learned the game from his (grand)father and uncle. At Damclub Aagtekerke, the club where he is still a member, he further developed himself in a strong draughts player.
Provoost, who had a KNDB rating of 1422 as of 1 January 2024 and an FMJD rating of 2299, has participated in the Dutch Championship eight times. In 2016, he became vice champion of the Netherlands, marking his best result ever. It also earned him the title of National Grandmaster (GMN). In the national club competition, Provoost competes for Damlust Gouda.
In daily life, Provoost is a journalist. The combination of his passion for draughts and his desire to publish led to the creation of Damkunst. Want to ask or share something related to Damkunst? Then e-mail [email protected].